In pictures : Exploratory Walk to Assess the Urban Environment of District Central – April 17
On 17 April, some twenty people walked through the Sauvé sector to take a close look at the signage, lighting, traffic flow, maintenance and urban fabric. The aim of this pedestrian experiment was to identify innovative solutions to the challenges of sustainable mobility, safety and accessibility, which are becoming increasingly important in this sector of District Central. It is clear that a large number of organisations are committed to ensuring that all modes of transport coexist harmoniously in the neighbourhood.
Organised in collaboration with experts from the following organisations: PCAC, Ahuntsic-Cartierville Borough, STM, MOBA, PME MTL Centre-Ouest, Police - Neighbourhood Station 27, Saint-Simon Neighbourhood, ELEMENTS Urban Planning, AEDN, Matelas Sélection, PCI Automatisation Industrielle, Zaraté Lavigne Architectes, Les Immeubles HS, OOKPIK, La Fabrique (125 Chabanel O.), and Yves Martin Underwear.
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