
2024 Activity Report – Highlights

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2024 marks my sixth year as Chair of the SDC District Central’s Board of Directors. This role has given me the opportunity to actively contribute to establishing the SDC within its territory and strategically positioning it within Montreal’s economic landscape.

For more information >>

DeliaDeGasperis_7092_JLecompte carré pour web

Delia De Gasperis



Among the many roles the SDC District Central has taken on since its creation, serving as a spokesperson for the business community proved to be central in 2024. As this annual report highlights, the organization carried out this responsibility with courage and conviction, maintaining strong relationships with its partners while upholding full transparency in pursuit of its objectives to meet the needs of the territory and its occupants.

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Hélène Veilleux

Directrice générale



km2 of territory

3 business pillars: design, technology, and urban manufacturing

2100 businesses

4th largest employment hub in Montréal

25,000 workers and the potential to accommodate up to 40,000 workers

25 million sq. ft. of commercial and office space

320 non-residential properties

$2.5B in total value of non-residential buildings

$4.6M in private money invested in outreach, animation, and development of the neighbourhood


Breathe new life into this legendary neighbourhood make it shine on a broader stage and propel it to the very top of Montréal's economic landscape.


BGA Cocktail - September 25
BGA Cocktail - September 25

Trust is our foundation

Trust is the glue that binds our relationships. By trusting our employees and inspiring their trust in us, we foster an open and collaborative environment where ideas flow freely, and innovation thrives. We build trust through transparency, authenticity, accountability, and unwavering commitment—because true partnerships are built on a foundation of integrity.

Community is our essence

Our community gives meaning to everything we do. Staying connected to our territory and its people is what enables us to fulfill our mission and stay the course. We listen, engage, consult, and collaborate to truly understand the diverse needs of our community. Through a human-centered and compassionate approach, we cultivate meaningful and lasting relationships—essential to the continued growth of this historic district.

SDC District Central team at 5 à 7 for neighbourhood workers - May 27
SDC District Central team at 5 à 7 for neighbourhood workers - May 27

Courage is our driving force

We advocate for our community with courage and conviction, always keeping the common good at heart. We call things as they are—with honesty, clarity, and a willingness to embrace the discomfort that often accompanies progress. We trust our instincts and judgment to push boundaries, take bold action, and forge new paths for development.

Passion is our fuel

We do our work with passion—because we love what we do. Our territory is our playground, and even the most complex challenges are met with enthusiasm. Our energy and ambition are contagious, spreading throughout the community. We celebrate both small and big wins, and we recognize that joy is not just a byproduct of success—it is a guiding force, reminding us of when it is time to recalibrate and refocus.

District Central x Sylvain Blais exhibit showcases local fashion,
MAD Festival in the Quartier des spectacles - August 22 to 25
District Central x Sylvain Blais exhibit showcases local fashion, MAD Festival in the Quartier des spectacles - August 22 to 25
Amelia Hadouchi at work on the Cocréer notre futur mural - Acadie sector / 1401 Legendre Ouest
Amelia Hadouchi at work on the Cocréer notre futur mural - Acadie sector / 1401 Legendre Ouest


  • Secured $1 million in funding over three years from the Fonds signature métropole.
  • Hosted a photo exhibition celebrating District Central designers as part of the M.A.D. Festival.
  • Created two new signature murals, enhancing the area’s artistic landscape.
  • Organized 200+ business networking events through the Connector of Opportunities program.
  • Led mobilization efforts around the Special Urban Development Plan for the District Central including the deployment of a new bicycle path in the Sauvé and Chabanel sectors.


La Prairie Louvain 2024
La Prairie Louvain 2024
Announcement of the Fonds signature métropole with André A. Morin, MP for Acadie - August 13
Announcement of the Fonds signature métropole with André A. Morin, MP for Acadie - August 13

District Central Signature

The roll-out of District Central’s Signature Intervention Plan continued in 2024, with notable highlights including the return of La Prairie Louvain and its iconic sunflowers. This year, they were joined by an interlacing pattern of flowers, forming a vibrant, meadow-like landscape that delighted residents and visitors alike.

For more information on the 2024 edition >>

This success has laid the foundation for what is to come. To support the launch of phase 2 of the project, the SDC has secured funding of one million dollars over three years. The funds obtained from the Fonds Signature Métropole have made it possible to hire a project manager, carry out a number of urban interventions, and develop a graphic kit to align District Central’s brand image with that of the Signature Plan. Work has also begun on the development of the two new sites planned for 2025. These include the Oasis alley running between 333 and 433 Chabanel Ouest - built in collaboration with Les Immeubles HS - and the Lopin, to be developed on the Simplex site at the corner of L'Acadie and Sauvé West. Additionally, signage elements will be added around the area starting in 2025. With the support of the provincial MNA, André A. Morin, discussions have also been initiated with Canadian Pacific to enable the SDC District Central to develop railway sites.

Development of the vacant lot at 50-150 Louvain West

A long-standing priority for the SDC District Central, the 50-150 Louvain West site was once again in the spotlight in 2024. Students from the Faculty of Planning at the Université de Montréal visited the site and attended two master classes on the PPU District Central and the Signature Intervention Plan. They were then tasked with designing development proposals tailored to the area’s needs. Their projects were showcased through a public relations and communication campaign, an initiative led by the Faculty of Environmental Design with support from several volunteer experts.

Design session with UdeM students - February 29
Design session with UdeM students - February 29

Builders’ Program

Co-developing the area with property owners to make it a dynamic and attractive place to live is one of the strategic orientations of the SDC District Central. The Builders’ Program brings this objective to life. In 2024, the mobilization of the property ecosystem around this program made it possible to support the rollout of phase 2 of the Signature Intervention Plan. The program is behind the cataloging and defining of the properties available in the area, as well as providing a network that directs businesses to commercial real estate best suited to their requirements. It was also through its involvement that a new committee of owner-occupiers in the Sauvé sector was created. Its mandate is to address the issues faced by urban manufacturers regarding the coexistence of modes of transportation, property taxes, security, and vandalism.


In accordance with the sustainable mobility vision adopted in 2023, the SDC conducted a mobility and traffic study on Meilleur Street this year. The exercise made it possible to look at the issues raised by the sharing of modes of transport on this street, the layout of bus stops, intersections, driveways, pedestrian crossings, and access to bicycle racks.

In the same vein, an exploratory walk was organised in April 2024 in the Sauvé Sector. The activity aimed, among other things, to document the issues relating to signage, lighting, traffic and the cohabitation of pedestrians, bicycles, cars, and trucks in this sector. The layout, maintenance, use of the premises and the possibility of obtaining assistance in case of difficulty were also observed and will guide any future interventions.

Exploratory walk, Sauvé sector - April 17
Exploratory walk, Sauvé sector - April 17

Attracting and retaining artistic talent

For some years now, the SDC District Central has been actively involved in the work of the Advisory Committee on the development of affordable housing for artists in the neighbourhood. Its efforts have been rewarded. A large-scale residential project in six phases, which began in 2023 and is expected to comprise a total of around 1300 rental units, is planning to accommodate a number of artists. Located at 9300 Meilleur Street, the ANIMA apartments should welcome their first tenants in 2025.

Thanks to the SDC's participation in Laboratoire d’innovation des espaces de création de Montréal, the business models and sustainability of the cultural spaces in the District Central were also the subject of a case study in 2024. Carried out over two days, as part of an exchange and brainstorming activity bringing together the main partners concerned, the study identified various courses of action. Follow-up is expected in 2025.

The organization has also continued to participate in the work of the Comité Quartier culturel District Central, which is led by the borough and aims in particular to consolidate the existing creative and performance venues in the area.

INFINITIES by Marlon Kroll - Anima Chabanel residential project
INFINITIES by Marlon Kroll - Anima Chabanel residential project
Escale Chabanel sector / Les Mariachi Oro Blanco de Montréal - September 6
Escale Chabanel sector / Les Mariachi Oro Blanco de Montréal - September 6

Animation of the territory

Officially launched with the Association des sociétés de développement commercial de Montréal, as part of an exhibition organized by Tourisme Montréal and YUL - Aéroport de Montréal, the summer program of the District Central attracted more than 50,000 people in the summer of 2024. Among them were workers and residents of the area, but also people passing through who came to discover or rediscover the attractions of the territory.

For more information on these activities >>

Public art

Two new areas in the District Central can now boast the presence of urban murals. Created in 2024, these public artworks bring the total number of murals to seven across the territory.

Cocréer notre futur — Acadie sector / 1401 Legendre West

Triptych, representing the past, present, and future of urban agriculture, located in one of the business centres of the neighbourhood. Created by Amelia Hadouchi and Ankhone, this initiative was led and funded by the SDC District Central, with support from the Ville de Montréal’s Programme d’art mural) and AEDN Realty, the building's owner.

De fil en aiguille — Sauvé sector / 9775 Meilleur

A mural reflecting the industrial and manufacturing heritage of the area, created by Fluke, an internationally renowned artist from the neighborhood. This initiative was led and funded by the SDC District Central with contributions from Immeubles HS and the Ahuntsic-Cartierville borough.

De fil en aiguille - by muralist Fluke
De fil en aiguille - by muralist Fluke
Cocréer notre futur - by artists Amelia Hadouchi and Ankhone
Cocréer notre futur - by artists Amelia Hadouchi and Ankhone



Textile companies at Fashion Spectrum - February 2
Textile companies at Fashion Spectrum - February 2

Connector of Opportunities

The Connector of Opportunities program, the flagship initiative of the SDC District Central, continued to thrive in 2024. Focused on the sharing economy, this program fosters connections between businesses in the area and supports potential collaborations. It also provides access to a vast community of experts, organized by sector or issue. Four years after its launch, the program's popularity remains strong. Over the past year, the resources dedicated to the program resulted in:

  • Support for 101 businesses, both online and in person.
  • 207 business connections.
  • Mobilization of 24 experts to meet the needs of businesses.

For more information >>

Communication platform

A promising project identified in 2020 as part of the SDC District Central's recovery plan, the development of a platform for exchanging and collaborating between businesses in the area was completed in 2024. A test group has already been conducted, and the official launch is scheduled for the Annual General Meeting in March 2025. Afterward, the new communication tool will be made available to the entire business community.

Hodge-Lebeau/District Central metropolitan innovation zone

Three years after Mayor Valérie Plante's announcement of the creation of the Hodge-Lebeau/District Central Metropolitan Innovation Zone, work on the initiative began within the Ville's Economic Development Department. Several meetings with economic partners and boroughs have been organized. The SDC District Central, PME MTL Centre-Ouest, and Excellence industrielle Saint-Laurent have worked together to showcase the economic strengths of the Zone and influence its development. In September, recommendations were submitted to municipal authorities, suggesting the integration of the project into Montreal's 2050 Urban and Mobility Plan. The next step will be to develop a shared vision for the project.

Urban manufacturers and industrial merchants

The economic fabric of District Central is characterized by urban manufacturers and industrial merchants. Consultations conducted between 2021 and 2022 highlighted the need to leverage this unique feature. In 2024, the working committee dedicated to this area was reactivated. The work completed so far has helped define the concept and identify the necessary levers to sustain the model. A pilot project, under the theme Le retour des Samedis sur Chabanel, has been confirmed. Efforts to implement this project will continue into 2025.

Inter-company visit, Attraction - June 3
Inter-company visit, Attraction - June 3

Commercial vitality

Following an assessment of the area's commercial vitality in 2023, an action plan was drawn up to promote its development. The plan outlines key issues, problems, and priorities for action, as well as the roles and responsibilities of the various players involved in making the commercial offer in the District Central more accessible, user-friendly, and visible.

Support tools for signage

Signage presents its own set of challenges. In response, the SDC District Central has produced information sheets summarizing the rules and best practices related to signage. This tool will be distributed to shopkeepers on Chabanel Street and Saint-Laurent Boulevard in 2025.

Spotlight on in-demand professions in the design industry

In partnership with mmode, the SDC District Central developed an event dedicated to in-demand professions in the design sector. Named Campus Relève, this initiative is a result of a working committee made up of entrepreneurs in the field. The event will feature a day of company visits for students and will involve educational institutions offering training in fashion and design. The event is scheduled for April 2025.

Networking and collaborative spaces

At the end of 2024, members of the SDC District Central and their socio-economic partners were invited to engage in:


Workshops and collaboration circles


Fairs and events


Corporate activities


Public consultation on the District Central PPU project - June 27

Representation activities

In 2024, the SDC firmly established itself as the voice of the business community in District Central. The majority of representation activities focused on land use planning and mobility. Notable efforts included providing analysis and recommendations during the final adoption process of the PPU District Central, participating in consultations related to the Ville de Montréal's 2050 Urban and Mobility Plan, and the implementation of a new bicycle path in the Sauvé and Chabanel areas.

For more information >>

The SDC participated in:

  • A workshop on the redevelopment of industrial parks organized by the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal and the Ville de Montréal.
  • The Conversations montréalaises sur l’économie sociale of the Conseil d'économie sociale de l'île de Montréal.
  • The Lab Textile du Centre d’études et de recherches intersectorielles en économie circulaire which aims to set up a pilot project in textile recovery.
  • The work surrounding the development of a nourishing community in Ahuntsic-Cartierville.

The SDC also maintained its participation in the following consultation structures:

  • The Table de concertation en développement économique de l’arrondissement d’Ahuntsic-Cartierville
  • The Table en employabilité d’Ahuntsic-Cartierville
  • The Comité Quartier culturel District Central — Secteur Chabanel
  • The Board of Directors of the Association des sociétés de développement commercial de Montréal

The SDC continued:

  • Its statutory meetings with the municipal councillor for the district of Saint-Sulpice
  • Its company visits with the elected representatives of the borough and the Member of Parliament for Ahuntsic-Cartierville, Mélanie Joly

It added representation as Espaces Publics delegate to the Commission permanente sur l’aménagement culturel du territoire de l’organisme Culture Montréal.

Public relations campaigns and targeted media events

In addition to the various communication efforts conducted in 2024 to enhance the appeal of the territory and highlight its entrepreneurs, five targeted public relations campaigns and one media event were over the past year.

For more information >>

Together, these communication efforts generated:

  • 75 mentions in the media, including outlets such as the Journal de Montréal, Le Devoir, 98.5 FM, and Narcity.
  • 5 in-depth interviews.
  • Over 12 million reactions.
  • 33 mentions on social networks, generating nearly 700,000 reactions.
Video shoot, UdeM student project - May 31
Video shoot, UdeM student project - May 31
2024 billboard campaign
2024 billboard campaign

Corporate publications

  • Hundreds of posts were made on the SDC District Central's social media platforms over the past year, generating more than 4 million reactions on Facebook and LinkedIn alone, as well as a significant number of new subscriptions across all platforms.
  • Seven new videos were produced, including four clips about the signature mural Cocréer notre futur (Co-creating Our Future), and broadcast on various platforms.
  • Five sponsored content pieces were published in La Presse, Les Affaires, and Immobilier Commercial. These generated numerous interactions, impressions, and visits to the SDC website.
  • Nine additional articles were published on the organization's website, which saw its engagement rate increase by 65% compared to the same period last year. New pages showcasing the work of the committees have also been created, and studies and reference documents produced by the SDC are now available on the site.
  • Two outdoor poster campaigns, highlighting La Prairie Louvain's summer programming and District Central's business hubs, were also produced. These campaigns lasted a total of 20 weeks and generated over 60 million reactions.
  • A Google Ad Words campaign promoting the District Central as a business location was also implemented.

Visibility partnerships

The SDC District Central has relied on five visibility partnerships over the past year, most of which are linked to the Signature Intervention Plan and the ongoing neighbourhood transformation process.

For more information >>

Sign at YUL
Sign at YUL

Welcoming delegations

The efforts to upgrade District Central are attracting interest and in 2024 generated visits from various interest groups from France and the United States.

For more information >>


High-performance business intelligence tools

In use since 2023, the SDC District Central customer information system now makes it possible to accurately profile members and generate management dashboards in terms of finance, communication, commercial vitality, real estate supply, and demographics. The wealth of information available is due in particular to the census of businesses carried out in the field in collaboration with the Ville de Montréal’s Service de développement économique (Economic Development Department). Information requests received from companies interested in setting up in the District are added to the total.

It should also be noted that the cumulative data has enabled the updating of the first edition of the SDC District Central impact report since its creation. This tool, which is highly relevant for measuring the organisation's areas of influence, will now be updated every three years. Thanks to the information sharing established with the Association des sociétés de développement commercial de Montréal, the efforts invested in business intelligence by the SDC also contribute to improving knowledge of the city's economic fabric.

Budget General Assembly - September 25
Budget General Assembly - September 25

Ethical and enlightened governance

Adopted in 2023, the Charte éthique économique du District Central (Economic Ethics Charter of District Central) is intended as a governance tool for the development of the territory. Beyond the principles it underpins, the Charter - initiated and promoted by the firm ÉLÉMENTS Planification urbaine - gave rise in 2024 to a participatory workshop to which the entire business community was invited. The activity provided an opportunity to address various issues relating to the economy and ethics and will likely be the subject of a second edition in 2025.

The Governance Committee has also put the finishing touches to its Guide to Appointing a Director. The tool specifies the procedures leading to the election of a person to the organization's Board of Directors as well as the eligibility requirements for such a position Administrators elected during the Annual General Meeting in March 2024 were subsequently offered training.

Investments that are paying off

The SDC District Central ended 2024 with a lower-than-anticipated planned deficit of $63,676. This is due in particular to the fact that the Fonds signature métropole was obtained later than expected, and to the distribution of funds from the Programme de soutien aux SDC.

2024 Financial statements >>

Dedicated volunteers

To carry out its mission, the SDC District Central can count on a large network of volunteers, mainly from the business community. Their commitment to the organization's board of directors, to one or more of its working committees, or as ambassadors, contributes to the relevance of each of its actions.

2024 Board of Directors >>

Committees and ambassadors >>

A passionate and enthusiastic team

Collaboration and enjoyment are at the heart of the SDC District Central employer brand. The organization's efforts to provide a stimulating work environment for its staff have continued in 2024. The activities on offer, whether in terms of continuing education or health and well-being, confirm the organization's desire to support the development of skills and the sense of belonging of its employees. The recipe is working. At the end of 2024, the SDC District Central could indeed count on a team of eight skilled people entirely dedicated to the fulfilment of its mission.

To learn more about the team >>

équipe SDC DC _Cocktail24_HiRES-68 rev


  • Launch of the communication platform for businesses in District Central.
  • Representation efforts in connection with:
    • the regulations resulting from the adoption of the District Central Special Planning Programme (PPU).
    • the C40 competition relating to the development of the vacant land located at 50-150 Louvain West.
    • the challenges of cohabitation of uses, particularly for industrial traders and urban manufacturers.
  • Deployment of phase 3 of the Signature Intervention Plan, including:
    • the creation of new outdoor socializing spaces for workers and residents.
    • the installation of signage elements at different locations in the neighbourhood.
    • the integration of new urban artworks.
  • Promotion of a strong vision around the concept of industrial merchant for the district.
  • Workshop on urban distribution and logistics.
  • Return of the District Central pop-up space at Esplanade Louvain and summer events.
  • Continuation of efforts to promote the territory and its businesses through a communication strategy based in particular on the use of ambassadors.
La Prairie Louvain and the vacant lot at 50-150 Louvain Ouest
La Prairie Louvain and the vacant lot at 50-150 Louvain Ouest
SDC logo

They chose the DC – june 2019


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Develop. Share. Prosper. These are the objectives of the District Central’s Connector of Opportunities project.  After a few years of...

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Green-Haus logo

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