This page will be updated with information known and confirmed by the competent authorities.

Make sure you are subscribed:

We invite you to contact the Member Services for any request or question: [email protected] / 514 379-3232


[April 17, 2020] Postponement of the 2nd instalment to the Sociétés de développement commercial
The deadline for the second instalment of contributions to the Sociétés de développement commercial (SDC) is postponed by three months. The new deadline is September 1, 2020.


Last update: July 2, 15:00 p.m.



Government of Canada:





  • [May 19, 2020] Prime Minister announces expansion of support for workers and small businesses >>
    To qualify under the expanded eligibility criteria, applicants with payroll lower than $20,000 would need:

    • a business operating account at a participating financial institution
    • a Canada Revenue Agency business number, and to have filed a 2018 or 2019 tax return.
    • eligible non-deferrable expenses between $40,000 and $1.5 million. Eligible non-deferrable expenses could include costs such as rent, property taxes, utilities, and insurance.










  • [March 25, 2020] The Canadian supercluster NGen has set up $ 50 million in financing for manufacturing companies that will manufacture essential products for the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic (masks, tests, protections, treatments against symptoms, sterilization equipment, etc.).


  • [March 27, 2020] Support for SMEs :
    • Announce a 75 per cent wage subsidy for qualifying businesses, for up to 3 months, retroactive to March 15, 2020. This will help businesses to keep and return workers to the payroll.
      • Wage subsidy of up to $ 847 per week based on a maximum annual salary of $ 58,700
      • The maximum duration is 3 months
      • For all Canadian businesses that have lost at least 30% of their revenues due to the crisis, regardless of size, will be eligible.
      • How to calculate the loss of 30%? It will be evaluated on the basis of revenues for the same month last year for those of March, April and May. Companies will have to renew their request every month.
      • Both small and large businesses, bars and restaurants, community organizations and NPOs will be eligible.
      • The funds will be available in approximately six weeks. Businesses will need to complete a request through a portal that will soon be available on the National Revenue Agency website.
    • Allow businesses, including self-employed individuals, to defer all Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) payments until June, as well as customs duties owed for imports. This measure is the equivalent of providing up to $30 billion in interest-free loans to Canadian businesses. It will help businesses so they can continue to pay their employees and their bills, and help ease cash-flow challenges across the country.
    • Launch the new Canada Emergency Business Account. This program will provide up to $25 billion to eligible financial institutions so they can provide interest-free loans to small businesses. These loans – guaranteed and funded by the Government of Canada – will ensure that small businesses have access to the capital they need, at a zero per cent interest rate, so they can pay for rent and other important costs over the next number of months.
    • Launch the new Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Loan and Guarantee program (for a period of one year, up to a maximum of $ 40,000) that will enable up to $40 billion in lending, supported through Export Development Canada and Business Development Bank, for guaranteed loans when small businesses go to their financial institutions to help weather the impacts of COVID-19. This is intended for small and medium-sized companies that require greater help to meet their operational cash flow requirements.




  • [March 20, 2020] CALL TO ACTION - MANUFACTURERS : Plan to Mobilize Industry to fight COVID-19
    If you are a Canadian manufacturer or business that can assist Canada in meeting the need for medical supplies, your help is needed.
    If you can say yes to the following, we want to hear from you :

    • You manufacture in Canada and/or have ready access to necessary inputs through your supply chain.
    • You have equipment or facilities that can be rapidly re-tooled to meet medical needs, including for personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, masks and surgical gowns; sanitizers; wipes; ventilators; and other medical equipment and supplies.
    • You have skilled workers who are able to respond and who could be available for work in the current circumstances.



    • Support for Canadian businesses through the Canada Account
      Expanding Export Development Canada's capacity to provide support to Canadian businesses, as well as relaxing the limits associated with the Canada Account to allow the government to provide additional support to Canadian businesses in response to these circumstances exceptional.
    • Helping businesses keep their employees
      Wage subsidy to eligible small businesses equivalent to 10% of wages for the next 90 days, up to $ 1,375 per employee and $ 25,000 per employer. Employers who will be able to take advantage of this measure include businesses that qualify for the small business deduction, as well as non-profit organizations and charities.
    • Flexibility for businesses that file tax returns
      The government authorizes all businesses to postpone the payment of any income tax payable between now and September 2020 until August 31, 2020. This support measure will apply to tax balances due as well as installment payments, under Part I of the Income Tax Act. There will be no interest or penalty on these amounts during this period.
    • Access to credit for businesses
      Increase in credit available to small, medium and large Canadian businesses. As announced on March 13, the new Business Credit Program will provide, through the Business Development Bank of Canada and Export Development Canada, more than $ 10 billion in additional support to businesses that have need cash. The government is also ready to inject more capital through these state finance companies. Increase in credit available to farmers and the agri-food sector through Farm Credit Canada.
    • Support for financial market liquidity
      Launched the Mortgage Purchase Program to enable citizens to purchase up to $ 50 billion in insured mortgage loan packages through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). As announced on March 16, this measure will provide stable funding to banks and mortgage lenders and will encourage continued lending activity to Canadian businesses and consumers. CMHC stands ready to support, where necessary, liquidity needs and the stability of the financial markets through its mortgage financing programs. The government will help implement these measures by increasing the legislated CMHC limit for securities and mortgage insurance by $ 150 billion.
    • Aid to workers
      An emergency care allowance will be introduced. This can be up to $ 900 every two weeks and be offered for a maximum of 15 weeks. This will help workers who have to stay at home and who do not have paid sick leave. With this allocation, the government could provide up to $ 10 billion in support to Canadians. The measure targets:
      1) workers, including the self-employed, who are sick, quarantined or who have been instructed to isolate themselves, but who are not eligible for Employment Insurance (EI) sickness benefits );
      2) workers, including the self-employed, who care for a family member with COVID-19, such as an elderly parent or other sick dependent, but who are not eligible for EI disease;
      3) working parents, whether or not they are eligible for EI, and who have to stay home without pay because their children are sick or require additional services due to school closings.
      4) Implementation of the Emergency Support Allowance. The benefit will be paid through the Canada Revenue Agency to provide up to $ 5 billion in support for workers who are ineligible for EI and who are at risk of losing their jobs.





Government of Quebec:






  • [April 6, 2020] Launch of the Concerted Actions for Job Retention Program: $ 100 million
    Subsidies to help companies cover the costs of training activities and for the organization of work. Eligible training can, among other things, target digital skills relating to teleworking, good practices related to health issues, organizational communication and improvement of know-how. Companies are invited to promote online or distance training and must comply with the health rules in force as part of these training courses. The government therefore offers to reimburse businesses 100% of the eligible expenses they incur, for example for trainer's fees, the purchase of equipment and human resources management activities, up to $ 100,000.





  • [March 19, 2020] The Government of Quebec announces the implementation of support measures for Quebec businesses, including a program totaling $ 2.5 billion to support those affected by the repercussions of COVID‑19
    Press release: concerted action program for businesses
    Eligible businesses, including cooperatives, not-for-profit organizations and social economy businesses engaged in commercial activities, can benefit from financial support that makes up for the lack of liquidity associated with COVID-19 due to a problem of supply of raw materials or products (goods or services) or an impossibility or a substantial reduction in the capacity to deliver products (goods or services) or goods.

    This new measure, incorporated into the ESSOR program, is aimed at companies that are in a precarious situation or who are experiencing temporary difficulties due to COVID-19. The financial assistance aims to support their working capital so that they can continue their activities. Barring exceptions, companies from all industries are eligible for this program. Financial assistance, of a minimum amount of $ 50,000, is granted in the form of a loan guarantee, but may also take the form of a loan. The main terms and the procedure for obtaining assistance are presented on the Investissement Québec website. Eligible businesses wishing to obtain more information or take advantage of this funding can call 1 844 474-6367 or the telephone number of their regional office, available on the website.

    Loans and loan guarantees outstanding

    Measures to relax the terms of loans already made by Investissement Québec may be implemented. In addition, a three-month moratorium has been established for the repayment (capital and interest) of loans already granted through local investment funds. Interest accrued during this period will be added to the loan balance. This measure is in addition to the moratorium already in place under most investment policies in force in RCMs, which can last up to twelve months.


  • [March 19, 2020] The Quebec government will harmonize with the federal government on two of the assistance measures announced

    • A protective measure for retirees
      Quebec will follow suit with the federal government regarding its measure, which will reduce the amount of the squeeze-out from a Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) by 25% in 2020. This will protect RRIF retirees who are at a disadvantage due to the state of the stock markets.
    • Flexibility for tax returns
      In addition, Revenu Québec and the Canada Revenue Agency are harmonizing their practices and extending the deadline for filing personal income tax returns to June 1. In addition, the deadline for paying any tax balance due and for paying installments is postponed to September 1, for both individuals and businesses.


  • Government website:



  • Temporary Aid for Workers Program:


City of Montreal :



  • Free guidance to accelerate your digital transition
    Personalized guidance to small businesses, provided by advisors specializing in online marketing, from the Conseil Québécois du commerce de détail. These advisors can help you develop an action plan in times of crisis, choose providers, implement an online shopping platform, and more. Interested businesses should complete this form.



  • Urban delivery service for merchants
    This measure is for neighbourhood businesses who are in or near a commercial development corporation. A safe, affordable and accessible delivery service is available to them. Learn more


  • Call for proposals for NPOs for the purpose of providing technical support to businesses
    The measure is intended for non-profit organizations (NPOs) that can provide technical support to Montréal businesses. This is a financial contribution program to enable NPOs to quickly implement the technical solutions and concrete measures they have identified within their business networks.
    Learn more



  • [April 6, 2020] Montréal supports local companies through new measures to support local delivery and help make the digital leap:
    • Urban delivery service for merchants
      This measure is for neighbourhood businesses who are in or near a commercial development corporation. A safe, affordable and accessible delivery service is available to them. Learn more
    • Free guidance to accelerate your digital transition
      Selling online is necessary now more than ever before. We offer personalized guidance to small businesses, helping you develop an action plan in times of crisis, choose providers, implement an online shopping platform, and more. Interested businesses should complete this form (in French) by April 17, 2020.


  1. Postponement of the date of the second payment of the tax account: from June 1 to July 2, 2020 (businesses and owners)
  2. Complementary emergency aid: the City is injecting $5M into a business assistance fund to support targeted industries. This fund will be developed in addition to the measures put in place by the other levels of government. Sectors such as commerce, social economy and creative and cultural industries including tourism have been identified. Terms to come in the coming days.
  3. New communication tools:
    • Information hotline - 514 394-1793: to answer questions from SMEs on the support measures offered by the City of Montreal as well as to give general information on the assistance programs offered by other levels of government and partners, a telephone line will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Number available from March 20 at 8 a.m.
    • Information request form: entrepreneurs are invited to ask their questions by completing a short online questionnaire. A response will be sent within 4 hours within business hours by an economic development advisor from the City of Montreal Form: Available from March 20 at 8 a.m.
    • Web page for SMEs gathering relevant information regarding the support offered to businesses by partners from the City and different levels of government
  4. Automatic moratorium offered by PME MTL without interest costs: the PME MTL network in partnership with the Solidarity Fund FTQ offers an automatic moratorium of 6 months on capital and interest to private and social economy companies that have taken out a loan as part of the PME MTL fund, Local Solidarity Funds and Innovation Marketing Fund. This measure is in effect from March 19, 2020. The City of Montreal agrees to pay the interest portion during this period. For more information, contact your PME MTL advisor.
  5. Call for solidarity purchase for local businesses: in the current situation, while travel must be limited, the City invites Montrealers to support their local businesses, in particular through electronic commerce. An amount of $500,000 is allocated to support these initiatives.
  6. Call for creativity from business support organizations: the City is allocating $ 500,000 to develop innovative projects in the context of COVID-19.
  7. The City is strengthening its accompaniment and support service thanks to the mobilization of nearly 300 professionals from the City of Montreal’s Economic Development Service, the PME MTL network, boroughs and related cities, as well as 21 SDC.

Ahuntsic-Cartierville Borough:

  • [March 18, 2020] - All public events scheduled in the borough in April are canceled and the permits requested or obtained will be canceled or revoked.



Caisse de dépôt et de placement du Québec


[March 17, 2020] Six major Canadian banks take decisive action to support customers affected by COVID-19
BMO, CIBC Bank, National Bank, Royal Bank, Scotiabank and TD Bank

  • This support includes up to six months of mortgage loan deferral, as well as the ability to defer payments from other credit products. Individuals and business owners who face difficulties should contact their bank directly to discuss possible solutions.




  • [March 18, 2020] Support for entrepreneurs impacted by the coronavirus COVID-19
    • Working capital loans of up to $2 million with flexible terms and payment postponements for up to 6 months for qualifying businesses;
    • Postponement of payments for up to 6 months, free of charge, for existing BDC clients with total BDC loan commitment of $1 million or less;
    • Reduced rates on new eligible loans;
    • Additional details regarding Business Credit Availability Program (BCAP) measures, including industry specific support, to be announced in the coming days.


Fonds de solidarité FTQ




National Bank

  • [March 17, 2020] National Bank to Offer Support to its Clients
    • Flexible solutions adapted to their particular context and that of their industry. Each of the situations will be assessed by experts and customer account managers.



  • [March 20, 2020] Desjardins announces the increase in the contactless payment limit on Desjardins terminals for Desjardins credit card holders: from $100 to $250
  • [March 16, 2020] Desjardins announces relief measures for personal and business members and clients
    • Personal members and clients who are having trouble repaying their loans can reach out to Desjardins to discuss their options. The financial cooperative will review each request on a case by case basis and suggest solutions that could go as far as giving members and clients payment relief for all of their financing products--an option that wouldn't have any negative impact on their credit rating. Desjardins will also review credit applications on a case by case basis and offer support to members and clients who need quick access to cash.






CIBC bank :

  • [March 19, 2020] CIBC announces support for small business owners
    • Payment reports according to the particular situation of each of our SME owner customers.
    • Establishment of an expanded and specialized call center team of SME loan experts committed to helping small businesses with deferred payments and other measures.
    • Reinforcement of advice and support regarding the immediate management of SME cash flow or new loan needs.





Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines




Canadian Federation of Independent Business:


COVID-19 and Teleworking: Adapting Your Business Practices:



Management of internal (employee) and external (customer and supplier) communications

  • Alliance of Quebec Public Relations Firms
    Good to know: The member firms of Alliance des cabinets de relations publics du Québec - ACRPQ have agreed to lend a helping hand to the numerous NPOs and SMEs that do not have a communications resource person and who have no prior relationship. with a consultant or a public relations or communications firm who are distraught at the magnitude of the task. A 30-minute pro bono telephone consultation will be offered to them. In addition, a guidance document is made available to them on the website Send your request to: [email protected]. The requests will be distributed among the members of Alliance of public relations firms in Quebec with the required expertise.
  • Canadian Chamber of commerce: Pandemic Preparedness Guide for Business:





  • Safety checklist for businesses  (source : SPVM website)
    • Ensure that your store's exterior exits are well lit; avoid bushes, trees, fences that camouflage your business: they could allow thieves to hide there
    • Do not use tinted windows that darken the interior of the store
    • Make sure to clear the windows of your business so as not to obstruct its visibility from the outside; a poster board business is more vulnerable to theft
    • Keep your lighting system in good condition
    • Light up the interior of your business overnight
    • Obtain secure doors and windows
    • Get a security system to alert your neighborhood to the presence of intruders
    • Install a vandal proof video surveillance system
    • Make sure the civic number is clearly visible on the front and back of your business
    • Keep good control over the keys you give your employees


    • [March 25, 2020] Frequently asked questions about COVID-19 and service for the elderly

      • Can Investissement Québec or BDC help us with liquidity?
      • Can an employee or manager come to my business to prepare online orders despite the announcement of the closure of businesses and businesses?
      • Can my employee work a few hours to telecommute or prepare orders online AND have EI benefits?
      • Do I have to do my GST and QST reports as usual?



  • [March 20, 2020] New measures under Canada’s Plan to Mobilize Industry to Fight COVID-19

    • Develop the industrial capacity necessary for the large-scale manufacturing of essential supplies in Canada. To do this, the government will give the necessary tools to the production lines of already established Canadian companies and will quickly increase the production of other companies that already manufacture these products.
    • Refocus Canada's current industrial and innovation programs by including in their mandate an obligation to give priority to the fight against COVID-19. Some of these programs include:
      • the Strategic Innovation Fund which directly supports Canadian companies carrying out large-scale projects;
      • the National Research Council of Canada which accelerates research and development with small and medium-sized enterprises;
      • the innovation superclusters that draw on a national network of 1,800 members; and Innovative Solutions Canada, which helps companies get to market faster.
    • Provide direct support to leading Canadian companies that are engaged in large-scale, well-advanced research and development projects aimed at developing measures to combat COVID-19.
    • Challenge innovative companies to design research-based solutions, technologies and products that will help address various challenges related to COVID-19.
    • Buy the equipment Canada needs to deal with COVID-19 here in Canada. The Government of Canada will use existing supply arrangements and flexible and innovative methods of supply. In addition, the government is using suppliers to help identify and purchase the equipment, supplies and services Canada needs to meet COVID-19. To provide longer-term support, the Government of Canada will streamline the procurement process to support innovation and build domestic manufacturing capacity to provide Canadians with essential medical supplies.





  • EDC hosted a webinar on March 12, entitled, "Coronavirus (COVID-19): Managing the impact on global supply chains" explaining what Canadian exporters can do to prepare for emerging foreign markets. fast. The webinar video can be viewed on request. [source: CCMM]


  • Many operating manufacturers fear that their suppliers will not be able to accommodate them in the short term. The directory is a very effective way to identify alternatives. iCRIQ can automatically and quickly request quotes from several suppliers, free of charge. Demonstration possible. For more information, contact Stéphane Tanguay at Prox-Industriel: 514 234-4996. (source: Prox-Industriel)

Financial problems:

  • Refer to government websites that are up to date on the measures announced, including those in support of businesses
    Check with their financial institution. Several have implemented support measures.
    Example: BDC (customer and non-customer support)
  • The SDC is in continuous communication with the borough (which it is in communication with the provincial and federal levels of government) to find out more about the future business assistance measures.



Ahuntsic-Cartierville Borough:


Provincial :

Federal :