February 28, 2023

Notice – AGM 2023

Members of the Board of Directors, from left: Gabriel Tupula, Mairesse Émilie Thuiller, Hicham Jerando, Eyal Cohen, Delia De Gasperis , Michel Caumartin, Howard Szalavetz, Laetitia Bedout, Lina Aristeo

Join the SDC District Central Board of Directors and team at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on March 29. This is an opportunity to learn about the projects you have contributed to as District Central businesses and to see the many developments that have taken place through the reports that will be presented. You will also have the opportunity to find out what our team and committees are up to this year. The AGM is the perfect time to actively participate in the vitality of the District Central.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 4:30 pm

Zoom online


1. Opening
2. Appointment of a chairperson and secretary for the meeting
3. Compliance of the meeting (notice of meeting and quorum)
4. Adoption of the agenda
5. Adoption of the previous session minutes
6. Presentation of the financial statements
7. Selection of an auditor for 2023
8. 2022 Activity report
9. District Central Signature project
10. Appointment of administrators
11.Question period
12. Adjournment



The Annual General Meeting will be held on March 29, 2023 online on the Zoom platform. In order to facilitate the process, please inform us as soon as possible of your intention to submit your candidacy for the elections at 514 379-3232 or at [email protected].

This year, three positions are up for election. In order to run for office, you must have paid your annual dues for the year 2022. The same applies to individuals who intend to nominate or support a candidate for election.  Also note that you must have a camera and a microphone in order to be identified during the meeting.

If you are unable to attend, please be sure to complete the following proxy and email it to [email protected] prior to the start of the meeting (one voter may represent only one absent member).



Interested in getting involved with your SDC? Members (who have paid their dues for the year 2022) can present their candidacy for a position of administrator. Contact us to find out how it works: 514 379-3232 / [email protected]

What is the role of an administrator at the SDC District Central?

  • Must represent the collective interests of members
  • Must contribute to the mission* of the SDC to the best of their ability
  • Must attend approximately ten board meetings annually
  • Must participate in the work of one or more SDC committees (e.g. Transportation, Urban Planning, Governance, Strategy)
  • Must complete a minimum of three hours of governance training in the year following election
  • Must plan on investing approximately 100 hours per year depending on the degree of involvement (e.g. number of committees, officers or not)

Find out more about the election process: INFORMATIONS – ÉLECTION DES ADMINISTRATEURS>>  (French only)


*SDC District Central Mission: Breathe new life into this legendary neighbourhood, make it shine on a broader stage and propel it to the very top of Montreal’s economic landscape.

2024 Activity Report – Highlights


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Taking Inspiration From Seine-Saint-Denis To Reinvent How We Do Business


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