
La Prairie Louvain 2024 : An immersive experience in the heart of District Central


La Prairie Louvain is back in District Central. From July 8 onwards, the emblematic sunflowers of the first edition will intermingle with a mix of perennials and annuals to form a multicoloured landscape reminiscent of a natural meadow.
Based on a new concept - inspired by the immediate environment and the community's history - this year La Prairie will be intersected by two immersive trails, punctuated by interpretive panels that will enable visitors to discover or rediscover the area. A monumental arch, set in the landscaped area, will also serve as a reminder of the surrounding built environment and its openings. The overall effect will be to showcase the wind, omnipresent in the area and a symbol of the renewal that has been blowing through the district in recent years.

arche ajusté

To pay tribute to the District's traditional know-how and manufacturing past, a number of plants, specifically chosen for their textile properties, will also be integrated into the design. In addition to this historical nod, the project's creators see it as a way of recognizing the innovative strength of the fashion and design sector, embodied today by the presence of an industrial hub.
Like last year, the 2024 edition of La Prairie Louvain will be set between Louvain Ouest and Chabanel streets, boulevard Saint-Laurent and avenue de l'Esplanade, reflecting the diversity and distinctiveness of District Central's social and economic fabric. The interactions between the various plant species on display are a concrete example of the principles of circularity and inclusion that are fundamental to the area.

An initiative of the SDC District Central, and an integral part of the territory's Signature Intervention Plan, La Prairie Louvain is itself the fruit of an ecosystem of partners working towards common goals. Like last year, Îlot 84 acts as delegated producer, while the Laboratoire sur l'agriculture urbaine is responsible for the planted aspect of the installations. Business partnerships, essential to the project's success and visibility, have also been signed with Tourisme Montréal, the Ville de Montréal, Aéroport de Montréal - YUL and the Caisse Desjardins du Centre-nord de Montréal.  All are hoping for a repeat of last year's success.
In addition to free access to the site at all times from July 8, organized activities will be offered during the summer.


Opening hours: daily from 7 AM to 10 PM, except Thursdays, closing at 8 PM - free of charge


tournesol abeille

A garden up close 

An activity designed to help you discover the ecosystem formed by the different species of plants and insects found in La Prairie.
Educational workshop for the whole family.
August 6, 2024 /12 noon to 1 pm.  Register here >>

Louvain-peinture-Solène-Broisin-WEB (26)

Painting workshop
Creative activity to capture La Prairie Louvain through art.
Easels, canvas and paint provided.
The event is open to all, whether or not you're an experienced painter.
A moment to share with colleagues and friends, or to enjoy with the whole family.
August 27, 2024 / 3:30 pm to 7 pm.  Register here >>


Discovering seeds

Educational workshop on the seeds that can be extracted from La Prairie Louvain plants and their ability to regenerate.
Open to the whole family.
September 10, 2024 / 12 noon to 1 pm.  Register here >>

The art of tinctorial plants

Discover the secrets of textile dyeing with dye plants from La Prairie Louvain.
Create your own dyed Furoshiki! Learn fascinating techniques such as shibori and tie dye and leave with your own unique work. An educational and creative experience for all nature and textile lovers. In collaboration with Communautique!
Wednesday September 18th from 4pm to 7pm.  Register here >>

The program is completely free.

Don't wait any longer. Immerse yourself in a living, colorful laboratory.
Discover La Prairie Louvain!


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