February 3, 2023

In the News – The Migration of Artists to the District Central


CBC’s Debra Arbec focused on the results of a study conducted in the District Central, an exercise that sought to confirm our observations: More and more artists are migrating to our neighborhood. Why are they coming? How can we continue to attract them and, more importantly, how can we counteract the trend of rising commercial rents and keep them? Watch this excellent portrait of our neighborhood.


Montreal A to V: A New Home for artists in Ahuntsic-Cartierville

​The first in CBC Montreal’s series exploring the city’s 19 boroughs. We look at Ahuntsic-Cartierville, where the neighbourhood, which was once the heart of the city’s textile industry, is becoming a creative hub for artists.​


Clockwise from top left:  Alicia Turgeon (Eastern Bloc) and Debra Arbec (CBC), Ganesh Baron Aloir (Eastern Bloc), Caroline Guimont (SDC District Central), Yannick Feyfant (Barista)


Also read:

Journal des voisins, Camille Vanderschelden, 20 décembre 2022 : Le District Central terre d’accueil pour les artistes

« En tout, ce sont près de 500 artistes qui ont travaillé sur le territoire en 2022, de façon permanente ou ponctuelle.

Un chiffre « impressionnant », selon Geneviève Dufour, directrice Stratégie et relations d’affaires à la SDC. »

Article in French only:




Summer Programming 2024


Ready for a vibrant summer? The District Central’s 2024 summer programme is sure to be a lively and enjoyable one for the neighbourhood’s workers and residents. Here’s what’s in store…

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terrain SDC

A Common Ground


For several years now, the District Central’s business community and residents have been rallying around the redevelopment of the vacant lot at 50-150 Louvain Ouest. Along the way, many ideas…

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La Prairie Louvain 2024 : An immersive experience in the heart of District Central


La Prairie Louvain is back in District Central. From July 8 onwards, the emblematic sunflowers of the first edition will intermingle with a mix of perennials and annuals to form…

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